
Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to get a Sparkling White Smile

Floss Often!
I'm OBESSED with teeth especially my own!  I'm a floss fanatic!!!   I feel very fortunate and blessed to go to the dentist every 6 months without fail..I book appointments for me and my family over a year in advance just so we stay on track and consistent...I know it's a sick lol!!  On a recent trip to the dentist the ladies in the office ask me if I had my teeth whitened???  Say what... I go to the dentist here what do you mean????  I mean they do professional whitening (too pricy for me)  but they noticed the work I was doing at home (yay).  I use Crest White Strips from time to time ...they really work, along with baking soda (old school) and peroxide.  I use the strips every once in a while, this box I have had now well over a year.  I also keep a box of baking soda in my bathroom and mix it with my regular toothpaste.  Put your best face forward and show us your pearly whites, our teeth are the gateway to good health so practice good dental hygiene and let your beautiful smile shine on!
Crest 3D White Strips
Good Old Fashion Baking Soda!


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Celebrate Being Fearless!

  Celebrate Thrills!
A few years back me and my crazy girlfriends had a wild weekend in Vegas and ended up on this craziness at the Stratosphere Hotel called the Big Shot!!!  It was a 160 ft drop off of the tallest hotel..we were the only ones in line out of like 5 people!!  what a rush took our breath away, so amazing! 

Celebrate great music!
Upside Down!!

Today I heard a oldie but goodie "Upside down by Diana Ross" It brought back such good memories of being a kid I danced in my living room getting my groove on all by myself lol!  It was so great!

Celebrate having a good day!
Claim your day by giving thanks when you wake up, look in the mirror smile and thank God for the great day you're going to have rejoice!
This is the day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it” (see Psalm 118:24).

Celebrate 2015!
It's time to dream bigger, make new goals and try new things.  I feel so blessed and fortunate to have made it to see another year so I don't intend on wasting another minute by putting things off.   It's your job to go out and live your life with passion, love and without fear, It's time!

2 Timothy 1:7King James Version (KJV)
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Celebrate Self Love!
It's cause for celebration when we Learning to love and accept our authentic selves for who we really are!  One thing that I'm discovering for myself is that no one person can love me better than I love myself!  Once you set the bar for how you choose to be loved by demonstrating self-love you draw in the love you want! Set the standard for the love you want to recieve so those around you can either step-up or move on.
Today I celebrate the love I have for ME!!!  

I agree Celebrate!!!!
I Celebrate that!!

Celebrate time out and a good Book!
Until Today by Iyanla Vanzant
Thanks Danni!
Wow...Walk the Walk be Fearless!
Celebrate being Fearless in Love even when your afraid or it's unusual!!!

Celebrate those that Encourage you
To follow your Dreams!

Celebrate Love

Be Fearless!
Celebrate Life!
Walking towards YOUR fears while being afraid!...It's OK!

Being Fearless means doing the things that are best for YOU!!..It's OK!  Being Fearless means others may not understand or approve..It's OK! Being Fearless means doing things that YOU don't understand but act on them anyway..It's ok!  Being Fearless means NOT having to explain or have all of the answers!..It's OK! Being Fearless means failure happens...It's OK! Celebrate Being Fearless...It's ok!!

Be Bold and Celebrate being Fearless!!
Live Bold and Bloom
This is a great philosophy
Check out site click here!

Expect it and Celebrate!!!


So pretty Just before the leaves
Turn brown
It was such a picture perfect foggy morning! It still looks a lot like a Fall Wonderland even though we are getting ready for Christmas! This is the last color change before these leaves turns brown....So pretty to see the seasons change. I'm Thankful!
Last days of Fall

Be Fearless Celebrate!!
Celebrate Being Thankful!
What are you Thankful For?

Celebrate New Beginnings!
Celebrate light coming through the Darkness...

As I was coming over the bridge today I was captivated by The bright beautiful sun.  It managed to peek through all of the darkness and clouds in the sky. Celebrate the light coming through the darkness, just know where ever darkness resides so does light..I always look for the light!

Celebrate Christmas time!
It was so Cool to see the Coco-Cola truck this evening at my local Market.  The lights on the truck were so pretty and festive, It reminded me of my childhood.  I was filled with so many warm memories knowing that Christmas is coming soon!!

Celebrate being Fearless!
I received a beautiful post that I want to share with all of you!  The author of this post is speaking authentically from her heart in such a honest and real way.  This blog is all about living your best life without fear.  Together we are Celebrating the triumphs and struggles of life and sharing the journey along the way!!  Thank you Sybrena for sharing your heart this was such a blessing me.. I'm sure it will bless many other too!

By Sybrena Brown

This post may not apply to those persons who take upon life’s challenges day by day and who do not go to bed consumed with thoughts about how to complete tomorrow’s task as they cross off things accomplished from todays to do list. However, for those who like I suffer from too much on my plate daily and too few hours to accomplish it all then this may apply to you. Trying to get through the day without being bombarded with today’s task along with the two or three incidentals that must be shoved onto my to do list and God forbid become pressing enough to halter my priorities for the day is quite daunting. However I realized that I personally make matters worse by not giving myself credit for what I have accomplished today , yesterday, last week, last month and even last year, for worrying about what I did not complete today. You see, I am my biggest critic. Assuming that If I am not at full motion, constantly working on the tasks at hand that I am somehow letting my family , friends  and most of all myself down. Problem is with this train of thinking, is that I never stop to consider my own self in the realm of things. Is the energy I put into the task worth the outcome? Did I even stop to absorb the emotion conjured up good or bad as I raced to complete the task? Or as per usual, did I just go through another day emotionless and disconnected from the task at hand.  I was essentially putting my feelings in my back pocket to suit the needs and desires of others. But ah hah I can place a check mark next to that line item for that feeling of accomplishment while starving myself of the need to personally and emotionally connect to any given situation for the need to remain strong and anchored for the next set of circumstances at hand. Essentially running myself in the ground and packing a huge amount of emotional baggage around in my back pocket. Yesterday a little voice spoke to me and told me these words,” It’s okay to be you! Your friends know that you are over worked, because they too are overwhelmed and your family will never be as strong as they could be if you always still the moment for them to resolve their own issues. As long as you intervene, people around you will never be able to stand on their own feet. Instead of focusing on others it’s time for you to stop hiding from yourself and focus on you! It’s okay to not complete every task to not show up at every function and to not return every phone call. You are beating yourself up with guilt and its time you face that you are creating unnecessary stress on yourself- not your husband or your kids but YOU! For those that love you, they will still be there. If you do the best you can every day and you still fall short from completeing line items on your to do list, It’s okay. It is better to enjoy three things then to complete 10 things and not remember a thing about what you did yesterday. Find peace with yourself and in your heart.” This statement reminded me of words from my sister that she has quoted me many years, “Michelle God knows your heart!” I hope these words help someone else to stop and see the seasons change before the years go by……..


Celebrate cheaper GAS Prices!!!!
$2.26 per Gallon!!!!

Sometimes It's the little things ya know!  I have been getting My Savvy Mommy savings on at my local market that offers double rewards on gas when you shop for groceries.  It's so worth it to me because it helps me to save money and to treat myself on occasion like getting a cute new top or a visit to the nail salon.  By combining my rewards and savings on groceries I'm getting up to $.50 cents off per gallon!!!  Yippee I'll take it....It all adds up :)! 


I'll Take it!!!!  I Filled my tank $40.24

Celebrate Concerts!
Date night!! New Eddition concert

I have had the opportunity of going to 2 concerts this year!  A new Edition Concert over the summer with my husband and recently a Slick Rick concert with the girls!!  I haven't been to a concert in years... so to go to 2-concerts in one year is so amazing!!!!

Slick Rick show with the girls!

Celebrate Sleeping In on Saturday Mornings!!
Sleeping in!..One day lol!! I'm celebrating now
because it's coming :)
One day I will get the chance to sleep in on a Saturday Morning without any interruption.. LOL!!!  One day when my kids lives aren't so hectic, crazy and for now I'll be living vicariously through all you who can Sleep in.. Sleep in for me too!!!LOL

Celebrate Giving!
Today while I was out doing a quick jog I was a little taken a back...., just a few doors down from my home I saw the Meals on Wheels truck?  I was a little surprised, the truck was so close to my house just literally a few doors down.  I immediately thought about giving and the needs within my own neighborhood!  It inspired me to get more involved with the people around me.  It also makes me appreciate what I do have because so many people are struggling and in desperate need of help.  Remember in life that someone is always worse off than you...stay thankful and give!

I'm Thankful for Rainy Days!
My Roses like me are happy to see the rain!

Celebrate this Moment

Celebrate Nature
Apple Tree
Celebrate Nature
 I'm so grateful for the simple beauty all around me like the amazing apple orchard I had the pleasure of visiting this past weekend.  My soul was so vibrant, happy and at peace for that I am truly thankful.


Tomorrow is Veteran Day! Celebrate our freedom and those who protect and sever us daily to have them!! Celebrate our Veterans!

Happy Saturday Everyone
I'm grateful to have made it through a very busy and draining week! 
Love & Blessings :)

11/7/14 Celebrate the ones you love!!!!
I'm very blessed that my Grandmother is still healthy alive and going strong at 87 years young!! I celebrate you grandma for all of the encouragement, wisdom and love you give.. it never seems to run short!  Grandma you are amazing!  Thank you for your faith-filled words always lifting me up giving me a reason to laugh, smile and finish the race. I love you so very much!  Thank you for loving on me!!!

Celebrate Fall

Today I celebrate the Crisp chilly mornings, It is definitely Fall! Burrrr :)

Levi Stadium

Kendra & Me!

Celebrate great friends! I had such a wonderful day on Sunday it started out with a yummy Breakfast (Banana Pecan PANCAKES) and catching up with my two best girlfriends! I finished off the day at a 49ers football game (go Niners) with my best friend Kendra! Even though the 49ers lost (bad calls by the ref's) it didn't matter it was such a wonderful day, sharing fun, love and good times with girlfriends!

Finally starting to bare Fruit! I'm Thankful

I was starting to believe that the orange tree in my backyard was barren and never going to bare any fruit.  I did my due diligence and watered daily faithful and hopeful to see changes.  In frustration after seeing no change I kinda walked away from the tree because I did not see anything happening!!!  It had these hollow hard green unripe oranges no way suitable to eat.  Well to my pleasant surprise look what beautiful thing I discovered yesterday!  Lesson to self...Never give up... things will happen when they are suppose too!  Sometimes you just  have to leave things alone so that it can do what it needs to do.  I'm Thankful!!


While going through some very difficult times , a couple of  great friends suggested that I do a gratitude journal.  Being very specific about prayers and gratitude have been more rewarding than I would have ever expected.  Pain, saddness and dissapointment happens..  a lot of times it's out of our control.   No need to dwell  or continue to feed the negative monster of despair.  I have found  great freedom, grace and peace just by giving thanks for the good things happening in my life no matter how big or small... Have faith and gratitude.... be thankful 

Reflections..... A letter to myself
Santa Monica Pier
On this journey called life I have... like most of us dance around the fact that I am simply passing through and that my time spent here is a short & precious visit.   Live it fearlessly!!!!   God has given me a choice, a choice to live my life however I choose...   I call the shots on how I'm going to live, who I'm going to be and who I'm going to serve.   Once God came into my life I took the responsibility as a Christian Woman pretty serious.   I have always thought that I was choosing God by going to church, praying and sometimes reading my bible choosing to do the right thing and to give love.  I think somewhere along the way I missed the real message.   I have always preached God is love,  but I never really truly allowed God to give me the unconditional love he has always tried to give to me.  Instead I perused love, acceptance and validation from others.  Through the years God has continued to knock at my door hoping to be let in,  to reveal to me who he really is and  not who I created him to be.   God's love and faithfulness has always continued to knock at the door even when I did not answer.  God has ..continued to peruse me, loving me and excepting me until I was ready to open the door.   I am so grateful that he never stopped knocking.   God's love is real,  he shows up in my life everyday giving me a new chance a new opportunity and a fresh perspective.   His gift of grace, mercy, forgiveness and love surpasses anything that I will ever understand or deserve.   I want God's will for my life...that's it!!!...his will is enough no matter what!   Through God's love and mercy I finally realize that my Husband, my kids, my family my friends were never intended to be my source.  Through my rebellion and fear I made them into what they were never intended to be  and for that I ask God for his forgiveness and his mercy.  My Family/Friends are the most beautiful wonderful enhancements/blessings God has given to me... but they are not my source... God and only God is my source no one or nothing can every fill the space in my life that was specifically designed for God.  He and he alone is the only one to fill me and keep me whole.   In celebration of  today 10/28/2014 after spending many years in the wilderness I have finally learned this lesson.   To God be the glory, Thank YOU JESUS for loving me and you alone were always enough.. thank you for helping me to see that!

Love & Peace


 Sip Pink for a Cure! 

As the month of October is coming to an end invite your girlfriends over and have a Pink Party!  It's a great way to continue the conversation about breast cancer and breast Cancer awareness.  Have your guest wear pink and sponsor a loved one or a friend effected by breast cancer.  You could even do a closet raid exchange.. have each guest bring 2-3 items max from their closet something you no longer wear but in good condition. Do a fun wardrobe auction where you bid on each other's clothes keep the bids reasonable and donate all of the proceeds from your party to your local Breast Cancer Research organization.  Keep your guest happy and having a good time with mock-tails, fresh berry smoothies or this festive little number get creative and have fun! 
 Ingredients -3 oz. Grapefruit Sparkling ICE
-1 ½ oz. vodka
-1 oz. lime juice
-Lime wedge
-Sliced fresh jalapeño
-Chili salt for rim of glass (Kosher salt mixed with chili powder)


1. Use a lime wedge to rub the entire rim of a chilled martini glass, and dip into chili salt mixture.
2. Combine vodka and jalapeno slices with ice in a shaker.
3. Strain and pour into the chilled martini glass.
4. Top with Grapefruit Sparkling ICE.
5. Garnish with a few Jalapeno slices 

                                          Let's Celebrate a Cure!!
Fighting the good fight!

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month I want to celebrate the loving memory of the ones we have lost to this dreadful disease.  Let's celebrate the brave women who are still in the fight to beat cancer,  and rejoice with the women/men who have reached a milestone of remission.  I honor you,  I am humbled by you... and I celebrate you for your bravery and strength! 
Early detection is key,  for more information on starting an early detection plan check out the National Breast Cancer link below.  Together we will find a Cure!!

Celebrate Fall!!

I was out walking with my mom  when I discovered

one of Gods Beauties...she took my breath away!

Let's Celebrate!!

Malala Yousafzi The Youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize! 

At just 17 this amazing young woman is truly fearless, fighting for the rights of young girls all over the world to receive a education!!   As a mother of daughters Malala is an amazing example of what standing up for what you believe is all about!  For more information about Malala and other recipient of the 2014 Noble Peace Prize click link below

BBC News Malala & Kailash Satarthi

Celebrate Being Fearless!!!!

If today is your Birthday.. Happy Birthday  Celebrate!

If are living your passion!!  Celebrate!

If you got a new job!  Celebrate!

If you let go of a job or situation that was holding you back!  Celebrate!

If you are Luv-ing U Fearlessly...Celebrate!!

Let me know what you are thankful for so that we can Celebrate together!
Love & Blessings