You are so Beautiful!
I'm so inspired by all of you and what you personally do to take care of yourselves. As women we need to love and support each other more!! Let’s start by accepting/loving ourselves and by sharing our story and testimony. I know that what works for me may not work for you and vs versa but so many of us are lacking knowledge because no information is being discussed, shared or passed around. Information is POWER and KNOWLEDGE is key so let's get impowered together! The one thing we all have in common is that we are all on a journey. All of us desire to be the best that we can possibly be at every stage of life. The one hope we all cling onto is that It’s never too late to start the journey!!! I say to myself and to all of you jump-in and do something… The goal is to live your best life NOW not tomorrow, not after you get married, not after the kid’s grow-up, not after you lose weight It’s now without fear.. without apology. without guilt, without shame etc…etc.. Choose truth, choose love, and choose to live life fearlessly!!! Besides God said he would do all of the worrying, fretting and figuring it out so that you don't have too!
P.S Talk to me I would love to hear from you!! Please share your comments below or send me an email@ I want to hear your beauty story please send photos too. We all want to know about you and what you personally do that's working for you!! I would be more than grateful to post and share it here!
Nothing beats a nice hot soak in the tub after a long hard day. This easy D.I.Y milk bath brings the Spa home to you in your own bathroom. This milk bath was so easy to make and knowing what all of the ingredients are gives me great comfort. While working in Washington over the summer my BFF visited the world famous Lavender fields. I was so excited when she brought me back a bundle of fresh Lavender. I decided to put some of that wonderful fragrant lavender to great use today by creating a milk bath. I had some essential oil (fresh orange) in my medicine cabinet and decided why not mix the lavender and orange together. The combination was simply wonderful my entire house smelled incredible after I got out of the tub. The holiday's are right around the corner this easy DIY Milk Bath would make a wonderful crafty gift for a teacher, family & friends or a neighbor. Get creative stay inspired!
Healthy Omega's
Norwegian Gold Daily Omega $17.99
There is so much talk about getting a healthy dose of Omega fatty acids into our daily diets. The constant flow of information on what to do and what to take is overwhelming and exhausting!! So I just take in a little info at a time, I absorb the things I know for sure and pray about the rest! I do remember the importance of taking fish oil and (gross) castor oil from being a kid. I know that taking a fish oil supplement is hard for a lot of people especially if your vegan or vegetarian, your allergic to fish or simply do not like fish!! In the past some people would bypass taking a fish oil supplement completely because of the after taste and unpleasant fish burps!! Yuck..who wants to deal with that!! When I was in my 20's & 30's I did not see the value in taking supplements or multi-vitamins but with age comes wisdom because I now see the importance of them. I take the Norwegian Daily Omega supplement without fail...Now the multi-vitamins or B12 vitamins that's more sporadic .. I'm not quite as faithful. Since I don't eat fish often enough I feel like taking a daily omega gives my body the extra that I may not be getting from my diet. I have been taking Norwegian Gold Daily Omega complete with Omegas faithfully 1 supplement per day. No yucky after taste nor is it repeating on you later on! The one big difference I notice is in my skin and hair, it's a lot softer less dry and dehydrated. Beauty from the Inside-Out!
So Sexy....
Nothing makes me feel more alive than looking my best and smelling like a woman. I'm not really a perfume girl I mostly gravitate to essential oils, butters, splashes and scented lotions. There is nothing sexier than a great bottle of perfume just a little dab in all the right places gives me so much feminine swag. My favorite at the moment is Mademoiselle by Coco Chanel
Beauty at every age
When it comes to skin care for me, less is more. I honestly do not have a lot of time to get ready for bed or work!. The best advice I can share with you, is to not go to bed with a dirty face. I adapted this regimen in my early 20's. No matter where I was, how late I was out, or how tired I was, I always washed my face before going to bed. I have a very simple technique that takes less than 5 minutes. I use the Neutrogena Make-up removal facial wipes first to remove all make-up and dirt from my day. Next I use the original Noxzema skin cream to wash my face. I blot dry my face with a towel and apply a standard oil free moisturizer with sunscreen. Sunscreen is important for women of ALL COLOR, so make sure you are protecting your skin of damage from the sun. When I wake up in the morning, I repeat the steps and keep it moving!
I would love to tell you all that I sleep for 8-9 hours per night and eat all organic and natural foods to acquire great skin, but I just simply cannot! lol! On a good day, I may get 5-6 hours of sleep, and my diet varies on how I feel that day. One thing that has remained constant in my daily life, is water intake. I stay away from sodas and coffee. I drink a minimum of 60oz of water per day. I know water gets very boring, but I was inspired by lady I worked with to jazz up my water. She would bring to work these beautiful tall glasses of water with different fruits and herbs in them. One day it was rosemary and lemon, or mango and orange slices with mint leaves! Life changing! Of course we have all seen cucumber and mint or lemon/lime and strawberries. All of these are GREAT additions to your water to make it a more pleasurable experience for you. I say use your imagination, and make it fun! Try green apples, red grapes, blueberries and various herbs to compliment them. The key is to drink plenty of water to achieve beautiful skin. Good luck:)
Holidays are getting close... time to start experimenting by adding some
sparkle to your look. I'm no make-up expert so I'm going to start
playing around now with different things to create my best holiday
look. It's all about having fun and trying something
unexpected. I received this as a free gift in a set. It has received a
lot of great reviews online so I will give it a try and let you know what
I think. I would love to know how you shine or add sparkle for the
Holidays? Please let me know.. I would love to see some of your make-up tips
and favorite holiday go-to's! Have fun and Be Beautiful!!
Soft like Butta...
Soft Smooth Skin........
I'm very excited
that fall is here, the cold crisp mornings make me feel refreshed and
alive! I have always noticed for me during this time of year, my
skin seems to require a lot more moisture. I'm a firm believer
in natural oils, I use them in my daily shower or bath. After bathing I continue the moisturizing with a vitamin
rich infused butter. This one is almost gone because I use it daily! I love the clean slightly sweet aroma of the
Green land Fruit Extracts Apple body butter with natural fruit extracts.
In the Shower/Bath I use Dr. Teals bath & body Oil
I don't know about you but some mornings I could use A little extra help around my eye area. I have discovered a product that really makes a difference in waking up my sometimes tired eyes, it's called Well-Rested by Bare Minerals. Well-Rested is a face and eye brightener that instantly brightens and revives a lack-luster complexion. It contains light- reflecting minerals to even skin tone while improving skin radiance and visibly minimizing dark spots and discolorations over time. A little goes a long way, I use it directly under my eyes to brighten and give me a fresh look all day! I don't wear a lot of make-up but I do love a great mascara! Like most of you I have tried MANY!! I have fallen in "heavy like" with a great mascara called Lash Domination by Bare Minerals. To me what makes a mascara amazing is the brush. I love this brush because it lengthens and separates without the dreaded spider eye & clumping, a couple of layers is all you need for lovely luscious lashes!
Love Those Lashes!!
One of my favorite current trends in beauty right now is lashes! Back in the old days lashes were only used for special occasions or events. Now everyone including guys are getting in on the lash revolution and wearing lashes daily. Make a statement and bat those beautiful baby Browns, Blues, Blacks, Greens & Hazel eyes! Here are a couple of big new companies devoted to helping us create our lovely luscious lashes. Smoke and Mirrors- created by celebrity make-up artist Stephen Moleski best known for edge and glamour has developed a custom selection of 100% human hair lashes w/a clear flexible band that anyone of us can easily apply ourselves.. I love the NYC lashes and the Atlanta lash $13.50
Also be sure to check out House of Lashes flirty collection of
handcrafted 100% sterilized premium human hair lashes. For a pretty fluttery
look try the Bohemian Princess lashes on sale now $7.00 while supplies last!
10/31/14 Happy Halloween!!
Put your Best Self Forward!!
Get glowing skin by eating healthy fats! Take the mystery out of how to achieve healthy beautiful skin, according to Women's Wellness it can all be found in your shopping cart! Just like our parents use to say "You are what you eat from your head down to your feet!" Believe it! Research has show eating a diet rich in healthy fats can make a tremendous difference on your skin. Since we all want healthy, younger looking skin it makes total since that what you put on the inside will start to show on the outside. I was not one of the lucky ones born with flawless, glowing beautiful skin, I have constantly had to work for it. Instead of going product crazy, I now choose to fill my basket with healthy fats and it serves me double duty. Consuming healthy fats gives me the best skin that I can possibly get and it gives me great fuel to keep my body healthy and strong....Win Win!!
Hey Sleeping Beauty
I recently came across an article suggesting the importance of getting enough sleep. The article strongly recommends we should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The article also states we should try to sneak in occasional naps daily during the week and to set aside nap time on the weekends. I too plead guilty for cheating myself out of the sleep that I desperately need. I Like most of us have often settled for whatever sleep I can get vs. what I really need. For the short term this is ok ...but definitely not ok over the long run. Not only are we cheating ourselves out of the rest our body needs we are also endangering our mental stability, aging ourselves and our bodies. Now as some of you laugh out loud and say we know this already and "yeah right nice ideal" please.... hear me out!! As a busy mother I know how difficult it can be at every stage of the game when it comes to getting rest. Having a newborn your (sleep deprived and delirious), toddlers require (constant attention, and a stand down!!! yikes!! terrible 2's), keeping up with sports schedules, taxi mom and carpools... this alone makes me tired just talking about it!! One thing I wish I had done in the early years was to take naps from the beginning when my kids were little. It should of been a priority instead of always playing catch up for the things that needed to be done. Now if you have sleep issues, insomnia, please address them just like you would any other illness, help is available! I have recently learned through lifting weights that in order for the body to get stronger and build muscle the body needs rest. Our bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.. stress, fatigue, simple day to day damage & wear from all we put it through. We need time to rest so our bodies can restore, heal and repair itself. I have personally noticed the difference in myself when I don't get enough rest I look...tired, have poor performance, not being fully present for my family and for me, this is something I can no longer negotiate on... sleep is not a luxury it's a necessity. This blogs is about taking care and taking control of my needs, life is too short to deny and delay for later, rest is a good thing we need it and our body deserves it!
Tis the Season for Dry Skin
Looking Good Sugar!!
Since fall is officially here it's now time to get a jump start on beating seasonal dry skin, before it begins. For soft smooth skin exfoliating and moisturizing is very important, also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Our skin needs conditioning, If you have dry skin you must have a consistent regime of slothing off the dead skin (exfoliating) and replenishing it with oils, butters or creams. I love sugar scrubs because they are gentle non- abrasive exfoliants that do not sting or burn. Sugar scrubs are gentle enough to use daily without stripping or breaking the skin down too much and sugar does not draw moisture away from the skin like salt does.
The truth about sulfates in Shampoo?
Lately the buzz word
on everyone's mind when it comes to hair care is to look for products that are "sulfate
free". I'm not exactly sure what sulfates are.. but from
research I've seen sulfates are really bad. Sulfates are basically chemicals
in shampoo that help to give your wash a lather. Some research has
even shown that sulfates may be linked to cancer not to mention the damage it
does to our hair by stripping it of its natural oils, fading our color
faster and even causing curly hair to become frizzy and unruly... Boy can I relate to that!! In
some cultures women only shampoo their hair once a month because they know the
harshness and damaging effects of shampooing. Nowadays a lot of women
preserve and condition their hair by mostly doing what's called a "co-wash"
which means cleansing your hair with conditioner only not
shampoo. Products like Wen have become so wildly popular because it is a
cleansing conditioner not a shampoo. I have tried Wen but was disappointed to
discover that the first ingredient in Wen was alcohol... That's the same as
many other commercial shampoo's not to mention it's very expensive. I've listed some "Sulfate Free" products found at your local Wal-mart or Target. If you have tried them let me know what your
experience has been and the difference it has made on your hair. I wear my hair natural but colored... (a girls gotta have some spice)!! I co-wash a couple times a week and only shampoo once a week, as a
result my hair is much softer and my curls are a lot looser, conditioned and
Ok's happening to all of us whether we like it or not! How we deal with
our aging bodies and skin can defy the number we celebrate every
year. I look at it this way, every year is a gift and should be treated like a CELEBRATION!
Besides age ain't nothing but a number!!! When I was in my 20s I was
always searching for and seeking out skin care products
to pamper myself so that I too had healthy, happy clear skin. I met the love
of my life, got married and became a new mom in my late
20s,. By my early 30s baby #2 was on the way and life as I had once
know it was forever changed. Once baby #2 came all of my beauty regimens
and product junkie ways were so over.... My focus of course
shifted from myself to my kids, my new goal was being a selfless
wife and mother. With a busy life and no time for
anything I was just happy to have a clean face let alone do a beauty
treatment like a mud mask!
Rolling along into my 30s I had let go just enough.. to get lost. I gave... and I gave.. to everyone and everything who wanted something from me. I had given away so much that I had absolutely nothing left to give to myself, and I accepted it. By my late 30s it was starting to show!! But I of course ignored it, life stress, trouble in paradise and aging parents was my new normal. When my father got sick I assumed my position to do whatever was needed. I just pressed on and kept going, I ran daily just to "escape" so then came the sun damage. I treated being a wife, mother, daughter, sister friend like a job and like any other job I strived to do my the best and give my all... and so I did. The crazy thing about it was while I was doing it "all" and giving it my "all" no one ever told me that I did not have too, everyone including me was perfectly comfortable with taking whatever I was giving. Please don't get me wrong I'm not blaming anyone because at the end of the day I was the one who set the rules for this insanity. Through it all I have learned a valuable lesson "the givers give" and the "takers take" it's just the way it is. This is a valuable lesson we must all learn! Funny thing is I'm not alone.... my story is the same story for so many women!
Looking back I have no regrets because it was part of my journey and a valuable lesson. I cling onto and cherish the quote "When you know better you do better" simply put but well said. At the age of 38 I woke up looked in the mirror and vividly remember seeing my MOTHER!!!! How and when did that happen? Now my mother is a good looking woman don't get me wrong she is beautiful... but my mom is in her 60s so I was not quite ready for that comparison just yet!! To make matters worse over the years I went from being my mom's lovely daughter to comments like "oh I thought you guys were sistes... or even worse being mistaken for my mom!!!!! What do you mean? I had just turned 40 at the time and not quite ready for comments like that! Too too soon!! It had seemed as though life crept up on me overnight and hit me like a Mack truck lol! No more not paying attention, It was time to recapture what was rightfully mine!
I thank God for giving me back my eyes to see! Refocusing me.. showing me who I really am and that I matter! Through God's love he has shown me that I deserve time, love & appreciation. I also need forgiveness, forgiveness from myself and from others. God knows as well as many others do, that I don't always get it right...I fall short daily. At 44 I feel the best I have felt in a very long time. Life these days is not perfect nor do I need it to be. Through prayer, Gods love and guidance I am re-discovering the best parts about me. Every day I am giving myself the love, joy and time that I deserve. Washing my face every night and every morning without fail no exceptions..(time) I moisturize and treat my skin with love and gentle care every day (love). I no longer abuse it with harsh product and things that simply don't deliver and aggravate my skin(God's guidance). The committment to my skin is now starting to show and I love it (joy)! You know life at its best is still stressful and new struggles arise daily but I thank God for the peace he has given me to get through it all. The confidence I feel by taking time for me is such a great thing, I decided... I'm worth it! I feel so free, I feel so beautiful, I feel so alive! Thank you Jesus!!
I'm so inspired by all of you and what you personally do to take care of yourselves. As women we need to love and support each other more!! Let’s start by accepting/loving ourselves and by sharing our story and testimony. I know that what works for me may not work for you and vs versa but so many of us are lacking knowledge because no information is being discussed, shared or passed around. Information is POWER and KNOWLEDGE is key so let's get impowered together! The one thing we all have in common is that we are all on a journey. All of us desire to be the best that we can possibly be at every stage of life. The one hope we all cling onto is that It’s never too late to start the journey!!! I say to myself and to all of you jump-in and do something… The goal is to live your best life NOW not tomorrow, not after you get married, not after the kid’s grow-up, not after you lose weight It’s now without fear.. without apology. without guilt, without shame etc…etc.. Choose truth, choose love, and choose to live life fearlessly!!! Besides God said he would do all of the worrying, fretting and figuring it out so that you don't have too!
P.S Talk to me I would love to hear from you!! Please share your comments below or send me an email@ I want to hear your beauty story please send photos too. We all want to know about you and what you personally do that's working for you!! I would be more than grateful to post and share it here!
Love & Blessings!
Pucker Up!
Perfectly lined lips!
Sparkling White Smile
I'm OBESSED with teeth especially my own! I'm a floss fanatic!!! I feel very fortunate and blessed to go to the dentist every 6 months without fail..I book appointments for me and my family over a year in advance just so we stay on track and consistent...I know it's a sick lol!! On a recent trip to the dentist the ladies in the office ask me if I had my teeth whitened??? Say what... I go to the dentist here what do you mean???? I mean they do professional whitening (too pricy for me) but they noticed the work I was doing at home (yay). I use Crest White Strips from time to time ...they really work, along with baking soda (old school) and peroxide. I use the strips every once in a while, this box I have had now well over a year. I also keep a box of baking soda in my bathroom and mix it with my regular toothpaste. Put your best face forward and show us your pearly whites, our teeth are the gateway to good health so practice good dental hygiene and let your beautiful smile shine on!
Eyebrow Threading
These days my brows a looking a little wild and free (lol), but when I finally do decide to get them done I always go for threading! I first started getting my eyebrows threaded in NYC several years ago. Threading has become so popular these days, you can find a threading brow-bar in most strip malls. I find that threading last a little longer than waxing, I usually only have to do it once every couple of years. Threading isn't pain free though, it's not horrible but it can be a little uncomfortable.. but well worth it!
Roll-on Perfume Oils
I'm addicted to smelling good! I love things that smell really beautiful and lift my senses, over the years I have begun to embrace all kinds of fragrances. My all time favorite perfumes are perfume oils, they last longer than traditional perfumes and they combine natural essential oils which have proven health benefits.
Big Lush Curls
As a young girl I can remember my mom rolling her hair most nights in curlers and then wrapping a scarf around it before she went to bed. The next day she always had these amazing bouncy luscious curls. Nowadays we all going back to the basis, omitting the flat iron and hot curlers for a longer lasting curl option with curlers. I have noticed that big curls are making a comeback, no more straight life-less hair it's all about big shine and bouncy beautiful curls, for long or short hair!
Hey there Beautiful, Happy New Year!!!

So I'm dabbling a little more into make-up these days and came across blush that I received in a kit with some free stuff. I don't wear blush...ever never have so I did not even know the rules for applying it other than apply to the apples of your cheeks?! So that's what I did, even though my method was a little questionable I must say that it did brighten my cheeks and made them look a little rosy. Overall a little bit of blush made my face look more youthful and fresh. It really defined the area between my eyes and cheeks which I kinda liked. The blush I used was a mineral blush which is supposed to be better for your skin since most cosmetics are filled with toxins and horrible things. I came across this amazing article and recipe from the Wellness Mama on how to make your own natural blush using natural herbs, I have not tried it yet but what's not to love about that!
New Year...Shaved hair on the side?
your hair shaved on the side is a old trend that keeps breathing new
life. When it comes to hair anything short or shaved makes a
statement... It's so saucy and FIERCE!! Fantasia put a bold stamp on her
shaved short look by rocking it 2-toned with platinum! I love that they even have tips on how to grow a shaved side style. I never liked that part in the past (growing out) but not anymore!!! I have had a shaved style many times what about you??? Rock it Fearlessly!!
Tame Fizzy Hair
I have put quite a dent in this bottle so I think it's fair to say that It works and I like it! :). I use this serum in-between washes/co washes to keep my hair smelling good and moisturized. The consistency is very thick it reminds me of hair oil in the form of a serum. It tames my hair when it's on the brink of becoming frizzy and unruly. This big bottle has lasted me for months, a little goes a long way so you don't need much of it... I consider the price to be pretty reasonable considering the size of the bottle, not to mention hair serums can be quite expensive. Healthy hair begins with conditioned well moisturized hair!
Gel Nails at home
Gel Nails are all of the rage right now because it last longer than regular polished nails, and it won't chip by the time you get home from the nail salon!!! I do not polish my fingernails toes on the other hand well that's another story...(It's mandatory!!!!) I love the way painted nails look on other women, It can really do wonders for your hands! Since I'm embracing the new me and trying new things :) I decided to give polished nails a try using the new at home Gel Nail polish by Sally Hansen. I had to purchase 2 bottles... polish and top coat. It was a relief to only have to do 2 steps (1st) step polish and (2nd) step top coat, that's lamp ! I love that it did not require any extra time or steps, it was very easy and so far no chipped nails! There are several nail polish brands to choose from that offer gel polishes for home use. I purchased the Sally Hansen brand at Walgreens for $7.99 each with $1 off coupon one for each bottle, so I ended up paying $6.99 per bottle. The cost was a little more than the price of a regular manicure (not sure how much for a gel manicure?) but over the long run I can paint my nails over and over again and end up savings lots of $!!
Now I see so Stylishly!!
glasses have never been more glamorous!
I say
if you have to wear glasses you might as well do it with style! Make your
glasses a part of your style statement, with so many options to choose from I'm
sure you will find one that works well for you!!
Beating the Holiday Blues & Giving a helping hand
Hey there Beautiful! I know that I have been talking a lot about Christmas parties, Hoilday dresses, hair, make-up tips, tricks and being fearlessly you! Christmas is all about love and spreading the message of love though Jesus Christ. So take this time to show God's love by doing something to make someone else feel loved and included this Holiday Season. Alot of people are struggling during this time of the year. If you are a suffer from the holiday blues or feel dissconnected because of broken relationships or have suffered the lost of a loved one here are some ways you can fight the Holiday Blues and find love & joy in everyday living! Lovingufearlessly means not only giving love to your self but sharing that love and care with the people around you... without fear, apology or explanation! God Bless you, Merry Christmas!
Your Time,
Do random acts of Kindness!!! Also the power of touch is huge give a hug or a kiss on the cheek..... even giving a smile can make a person's day! Share a meal, feed the hungry, support a charity, give locally....DO Something!!!
Beat the Blues
1. Contact someone you've lost touch with. This is a perfect time to rekindle a lost relationship. You may find that God begins a new chapter in your life.
2. Don't focus on what you don't have - focus on what you do have. If you think about it, it won't take you long to envision someone in a worse situation than yours. God has neither abandoned nor forgotten you.
3. Let go of the past and find new or different ways to celebrate. While many family traditions are good, you may feel in bondage to doing things you don't enjoy because "that's the way we've always done it."
4. connect with people. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself from the very people God may want to use to encourage and restore you. Make plans. Don't sit around and wait to be invited
Play music that brings cheer or reminds you of good fond memories...laugh out LOUD too.... A lot!!
3D Fiber Mascara

Color: Black
Add length and volume to your own lashes
Cures for Puffy Eyes!
Keeping It Naturally Curly with ECO Styler

While on this natural journey I have never really liked any product in my hair other than a light spray oil. I especially NEVER liked hair gel because it always made my hair crunchy and hard...not to mention the yucky white residue! I have just been a wash and go kinda girl NO Product, leave in, curl definer, custard etc....because most of them don't deliver like they say (sorry) and you have such a build-up on your hair, not soft and fluffy. Unfortunately like everything else you just end up buying more and more stuff (products)...The game is real!!! For me clean well conditioned hair with a couple of sprays of the Suave professionals Macadamia nut/White Orchid spray oil (which I only use after wash/co-wash and diffusing or air drying) is all I need! What I have found is that over time (a couple of days) after wash and go my curls get fluffier and fluffier..and my hair gets bigger and bigger which I don't really mind but I end up like Annie with huge hair!! LOL.
I recently came across the ECO styler gel which I know in the natural hair world is the Holy Grail for curly girls, It's a must have product for most Naturalista's!! Although hesitant to try anything new, because if it aint broke... (Well you know the rest) But I gave it a try anyway and I must say it's not too bad! Now if you use too much of it your hair will get crunchy and hard despite what the container says, so use it sparingly a little goes along way. One thing working for ECO Styler is that it's alcohol free so it's not zapping moisture from your hair drying it out! I have not examined the ingredients thoroughly yet so I'm hoping it doesn't contain any other harsh moisture zapping ingredients too!! I purchased mine from Sally's for $5.69 this container will last me For-ever and you don't need to use it every day, and just a little when you do. I have also seen the ECO Styler gel online for much cheaper so shop around for a for a great deal!! I purchased both the ECO Styler with Olive Oil and Argan Oil and to be honest I don't see much difference between the two??? I'm not getting more moisture or lusciousness from 1 vs. the other but the containers are still new so I'll keep you posted if I do see a difference eventually!
Glitter, Glitter I love Shimmer!!
Pore Problems meet Pore Defenders!!
The newest beauty craze
that has everyone buzzzzing about other than (contouring I will be
blogging about that very soon stay tuned... :)) are Blurs. We are all
looking to have that smooth flawless youthful looking skin, minus the pores and
imperfections. Blurs and primers are suppose to smooth out
discoloration, even skin tone and get rid of pores. Some even
claim to erase the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
temporarily??? Ummmm...I don't
know about that but it sure sounds good!! I was looking for something to
wear in the place of foundation/cover-up to give me that polished fresh face look that make-up can provide. Bluring does exactaly what it says softens the look of blemishes, fine lines, wrinkles and pores giving you the apperance of younger smooth skin. To me it takes the edge off of your pores/blemishes and softens your problem areas more than getting rid of them. I know that it's trickery at its best
(lol) but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!!! Always do the
work for healthy clean, clear, moisturized skin but there
is nothing wrong with a little bit of help sometimes...we can all use it!!
Beauty gift guide!
Your Hair Smells Terrific!!!
Pink Sugar begins with sugary sweet notes of cotton candy, strawberry, raspberry and orange which fade to reveal sensual mid notes of lily of the valley, fig leaves, and barbe-a-papa. The scent finishes on rich, soft base notes of vanilla, amber and musk! Yummy
Holiday Beauty Gift Grabs!
LipSurgence Lip Tints combine rich color with natural moisturizers to glide on smooth and soften lips. Peppermint-infused shade glides on lips for a natural flush that delivers a gorgeous pop of color
Naked Eyeshadow Palette Urban Decay
Update on Hair: I also read that Hormones can cause thinning hair and edges too so it's important to talk to your Dr about hormone levels and its effects on your scalp and hair!
No edges and thinning hair!! Our Hair-Story
Last night while out to dinner with the girls, our conversation shifted (of course) to health & beauty rituals. As Women our hair is serious beezness especially for women of color! We are such colorful, creative creatures when it comes to our crowning glory...we can do & wear it all (fabulously) in every style texture length or color, but sometimes it comes at a high cost!! Hair health is something that we are all concerned about. With more of us transitioning to naturalista's coming out of our wigs, braids, weaves and relaxers unfortunately many of us are left with the damaging effects..revealing receding hairlines, no edges and thinning hair It's so unfair and hurtful!!
All we ever wanted was versatility and manageability!!! (hence; Relaxers, wigs, too tight braids and weaves) I can remember being a little girl wearing my ponytails and braids. I also remember getting my hair done by my beloved mom, grandma or auntie's. Tender-head (check) pulling and tugging my brains out (check), me wiggling and ouch's (check check) lol!! Funny now but back then not so much..getting my hair done was like torture!! I know that it was all in effort to keep my nappy, curly, kinky hair manageable, tight and looking neat (I totally understand).
Boy have times changed and so they should...when you know better you do better! Mad props to Beyonce for getting it letting little Blue Ivy's natural hair go wild and free she is giving her daughter a shot at having a healthy mane and self image...not to mention the ability to embrace her natural roots!! Way to forget the Nay Sayers Bey!! New products are surfacing everyday to help restore our edges, hairlines and thinning hair, share what's worked for you or what is working for you now!!! I want to hear about your hairstory, please send photo's too!! No shaming here we are all here in love on this journey together learning and doing the best we can.. much love to all for sharing the journey. These photos are mild...I did not want to post the other photos because they made me cry it's so painful to see what we have all gone through..Including me, see my previous post pic's below!
Goodbye Chapped Winter Lips
Now that the weather has officially changed a lot of us may be experiencing that our hair, hands and especially our lips are becoming more dry than ever! Proper diet and nutrition play a huge role here... keeping proper hydration (remember from the inside out) is key, but there are some pretty amazing products worth trying to soothe and heal dry lips on the outside. here are my top 5 picks!
Luscious Locks!
Keep your Locks hydrated, moisturized and looking lovely all winter long!
After shampooing I spray this non greasy Macadamia/ White Orchid light spray oil on my hair by Suave Professionals. It penetrates deep down from the root to tip.. after drying you can touch your soft moisturized hair without any oil or greasy residue build-up and it has a nice scent too )my kids say it smells like candy...I sure don't mind smelling like candy...sweet!!
Nude Lips
I have had the Hardest time finding a great nude lipstick..this was not a easy task it took me like (4 years) to be exact! If they get rid of this color I'm going to SCREAM or Quit!!! The problem I've been running into is that the nudes are either too pale/pinkish or too ashy on me! To find my perfect Nude lip was not easy because this color has to work with my complexion and my naturally dark lip line. I have always loved a nude lip on other people and on me, back in the day I had a go to Nude lipstick that I rocked often but (MAC got rid of it!!) Since then I have found it extremely difficult to find one that best suits me, so I just go with my bare (lips) It's my best option and it suits me just fine! My only issue is that I think every girl should have a great nude in her lip arsenal!!! Natural but polished.. just saying. I have gone to department stores, drug stores, Mary Kay, Avon with assistance or without on this crazy nude lip journey! I can finally say that I found one that works for me and it's good... I found it at CVS! I gotta give it up to CVS they make it super easy shopping for lip colors period (you can tell it's been a while for me lol). They really break it have a category for the Reds, Pinks, Nudes, Browns etc.. It's very user friendly the only bad part about the drug store is they have no sanitized color trials and people sometimes test out the actual lip colors (for purchase) in the store (ugh)!! you have to cross your fingers that you don't purchase a used one that someone swiped on their lips or hand so...always check first!! My color is L'OREAL Nude 840 Nature's Blush it only took 4 years to find it.. SERIOUSLY!!! But Well worth the wait I'm in major "Like" with it!
Sexy EYES!!
oooh La La!!
What can I
say the eyes are the window's to our soul. Draw them closer to the window with
these daring bold eye looks!
Mineral Make-up and more!
Short Sassy Hair! Doing the Big Chop!!
Have you ever considered doing the big CHOP? Most of us have had a major Chop at some point of our lives... we were either in search of a change, in need of a new look/fresh start, or of fed up with our dead damaged hair!! Many of us get the boldness to cut it all off when we reach some sort of milestone in our lives and it's a big deal to finally go through with it too!! This bold move states I'm Confident, Fed-up or CRAZY lol!!!. I have done a big chop 3 times in my life, the 1st time was when I was 19 I had a "cute A Line BOB with the back shaved off. Back then it was more about "independence" I was at the age where I could make that decision on my permission needed, it was great because it taught me not to be afraid I was testing my wings. The second big chop was major I declared my power and strength by moving to NYC my lifelong dream, after a year of being in the big city I was finally ready. I did the big chop a Boy Cut (Pixie) It was amazing so bold at the time...I colored it too, I thought I was the BOMB.COM.. I felt so free and alive it was so empowering.
My third chop was because of
damaged hair (I had no choice)!! After having both of my kids my hair was
really long for years. I wore it straight
even though my hair was natural (curly) I never wore it that way I (pressed)
my hair straight every week sometimes more than once (not good)! One day
my youngest was combing my hair and she decided she was going to "curl
it" so she wrapped the comb in my hair to "curl it" and I could
not get it unwrapped! It was wrapped so
tight that I had no choice but to cut it out. My hair went into
"SHOCK" I think and It slowly started to break off and shed...! So off it went my hair WAS GONE.. I had to cut it to even out the
shorter side! It was horrible, I ended up getting a "mommy
BOB" not the cute sassy BOB from age 19 or like Victoria Beckham it was definitely a Mom BOB and we
all know the difference lol !!!! Finally my hair did grow back and I embrace me naturally or I'll wear 2 french braids. Now I only straighten my hair on special occasions or for a change. So the
next big chop is going to be under my terms If God is willing It will be Short,
Sassy, and FIERCE.. I'm thinking about doing it when I turn the big 50, but since
that's years away who knows It could be sooner!! :)
Can you Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Naturally?!
The older I get the
more physical changes I see with my skin. I noticed I was starting
to get dark-patchy spots on my face. The dark patches were a
few shades darker than my normal complexion, the areas that the
darker spots appeared where on the top of my cheekbones like the picture on the left. When it
first started happening I went into panic mode, honestly I've seen the
darker pigmentation before but usually on older people (even tho it effects all ages). I always
noticed it on people of color mostly too. I just assumed it had
something to do with aging, sun damage or because of the melanin in olive to
dark skin. After doing some research I found there was a name for
this discoloration of the skin and it was called
Hyperpigmentation/Melasma. I have read that both of these
conditions can be caused by sun damage, aging, acne or
hereditary. There are several treatment options available to correct
this condition but please proceed with caution. Most people resort to the use of
over-the-counter bleaching creams to treat the problem or you can get a
stronger prescribed cream called Hydroquinone (which is banned in the UK)
from a dermatologist.
I also read about laser treatments to correct the problem too (this can be very expensive because it's considered cosmetic) and the results vary. I stumbled across another treatment you can get from a day spa called IPL or (Photo Facial) it's performed by a licensed Esthetician. After reading how great IPL was and how it delivered wonderful results I got a groupon deal and opted to try a couple of treatments. I read that treating hyperpigmentation is not really recommended on darker skin because it can make it worse...but I was desperate!!! I associated this dreaded thing with age and all of the sun damage I had caused from running over the years. So against better judgment I tried it any way (Desperation is how they get us!!!) This was not a good decision on my part at all... but hey you live you learn. I made my appointment and I tried IPL after being assured by the Esthetician that she had many African American clients and it would work. Trusting and hopeful me :) gave it a try... and BOY WAS IT PAINFUL it was like electric zap's to my face..ouch it hurt!! My face was tender and in pain afterwards, but the pain went away after an hour or so. I noticed between visits my pigmentation was slightly darker...Not good so the esthetician recommended (more treatments) and that I do what's called a chemical peel (Jessner) after IPL (photo facial) for max results. Still desperate and hopeful I said ok.
The peel burned my face
when she applied it even though she said it was all freaked me
out!!! I went home with it on my face but washed it off immediately
against her recommendation of leaving it on for 24 hours. I was
so nervous it was my first and last chemical peel!!! I have to admit after days of peeling my skin looked refreshed and
glowing. Going through the peel process was a mess!! Huge sheets of skin were peeling off my face like
crazy, it was so embarrassing I looked like a alligator lol!!! I
wish I could of stayed sequestered in my home while shedding like a
snake but of course that was impossible! Initially I
thought hey this is great my skin looked soft and smooth but the results were temporary. Being concerned about using chemicals on my face over &
over again to keep this look up was something I did NOT want to do. After giving it some serious thought I decided
this was not the road I wanted to take.... and after all of that the
hyperpigmentation came back! So back to
research mode I went but this time God led me to a natural alternative that has worked wonders. My hyperpigmentation problem is
completely gone for good!! What worked?? I started using limes!!! Somehow the natural acid in limes have worked like
nature's natural peel I only do it every so often like once or twice a month. As a result (thankfully) my hyperpigmentation is
gone :) and my skin looks much brighter too!!
Holiday Hair Party Looks
I hope you all get
the chance to try something a little unconventional when it comes to your hair
this holiday season. Alicia Keys looks absolutely stunning with this
super chic Purple Up-do. I also love the
untraditional Holiday look on Angela Simmons the glamorous top bun... check out her leopard holiday dress and foxy short fur
jacket, great for any Holiday party!!
Holiday Make up Trends
I love the shimmery metallic in the corner of the eyes on Beyonce's Holiday Make up look! Her makeup looks natural with shimmery touches! Or go for bold like Jessica Alba's Natural makeup with a bold lip.
Naturally Clean and Soap Free!!?
I was in one of my favorite
natural food stores when a gorgeous woman with an amazingly
B-tiful complexion was purchasing about 15 bottles of this Organic
Shower Gel. As the checker continued to ring the woman up,
she explained that this was the best shower gel ever it's all natural,
organic and the best part on SALE!! I personally have never heard of the brand but
since it was on sale and she was buying practically all of them, I
thought hey I'll give it a try too! It's a good thing I went over there
quick because she only left like 3 bottles lol!!
So I took the rest of them!! Boy am I glad I did... this stuff amazing
it's called SHIKAI All Natural moisturizing Shower Gel.
It's a rich aloe & oatmeal combo to soothe dry skin... not only is it
gentle (great for sensitive skin and kids) It is also soap free!!
Have a great week. Stay Beautiful!
Getting My confidence back!!!
It's easy to get caught up, day to day struggles life... it gets REAL! Family, work, kids, relationships It can all be very overwhelming leaving you spent and out of sorts! I did not believe it was true but I have to say on my journey to truth I discovered that I was seriously lacking in the confidence department! Confidence in yourself sets the standard for who you are and what you believe in about yourself, it also sends a message of self-love to everyone around. Confidence comes deep down from within, knowing and loving thyself for who you really are because you are special! Spending quality time alone exploring life and understanding yourself is so important..your likes your dislikes being ok and comfortable in your own skin! Practice confidence daily, be fearless about it too!!!! When life get's uncomfortable and unfamiliar don't back down and go into your comfortable cozy corner, take this time to reinvent and rediscover the beauty from within. This is my daily mantra I tell it to myself every day, even if no one else does. Hey there beautiful... you are so beautiful!!
Happy Saturday!!
I love Saturday
Mornings!! Whenever I get a chance (if my kids don't have any games) I
love to play my music really loud, open the windows (even if it's cold) and let
the fresh clean morning air come through. I also like to burn fresh
scented candles, they awaken my senses and put me in a great mood! The
Mrs. Meyers's Clean Day candles are an Eco friendly chemical free candle
collection that burn wonderfully well and clean. I also like the Mainstay candles at Walmart they have really stepped their game up with affordable wonderfully scented candles my personal favorite is the Juicy Watermelon
Facial Yoga?
We know how important it is
to exercise our bodies, but what about our face? Recently my mom asked me
to look up facial exercises for her online, She wants to know what she can do to help tighten her neck
(a.k.a turkey neck sorry mom!) After searching the web and doing my own
investigation I found various sites and many women who swear by facial exercises. Many claim it's a means to lift saggy jowls and get rid of Turkey neck, most do it to
keep Botox and facial fillers at bay. Now knowing that there is a turkey neck in
my future (ugh) I actually started to try some of these facial tightening moves
myself. I found this really cool facial excising chart on Monterey Bay HolisticAlliance. It's a very interesting article discussing all of the muscles we have in our face. I even found devices online to work
your facial muscles too like the facial flex. I saw some great testimonials on the facial flex some women have been using the facial flex system for over 15 years and swear by it!!! Who knows the Facial Flex could be on the Christmas
gift list for my mom this year lol!! I'm sure she would love it!
D.I.Y Milk BathPucker Up!
Perfectly lined lips!
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Love these Lips!! |
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Borderline Anti-feathering lip pencil $18.50 Two-faced |
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NYX Retractable Lip Liner $4.50 |
Sparkling White Smile
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Crest 3D White Strips Classic Walmart $24.97 |
I'm OBESSED with teeth especially my own! I'm a floss fanatic!!! I feel very fortunate and blessed to go to the dentist every 6 months without fail..I book appointments for me and my family over a year in advance just so we stay on track and consistent...I know it's a sick lol!! On a recent trip to the dentist the ladies in the office ask me if I had my teeth whitened??? Say what... I go to the dentist here what do you mean???? I mean they do professional whitening (too pricy for me) but they noticed the work I was doing at home (yay). I use Crest White Strips from time to time ...they really work, along with baking soda (old school) and peroxide. I use the strips every once in a while, this box I have had now well over a year. I also keep a box of baking soda in my bathroom and mix it with my regular toothpaste. Put your best face forward and show us your pearly whites, our teeth are the gateway to good health so practice good dental hygiene and let your beautiful smile shine on!
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Most Places charge about $5 |
Roll-on Perfume Oils
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Kai Perfume Oil Smells Like Hawaii Nordstrom $48 |
I'm addicted to smelling good! I love things that smell really beautiful and lift my senses, over the years I have begun to embrace all kinds of fragrances. My all time favorite perfumes are perfume oils, they last longer than traditional perfumes and they combine natural essential oils which have proven health benefits.
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The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Beautifying Oil |
Big Lush Curls
As a young girl I can remember my mom rolling her hair most nights in curlers and then wrapping a scarf around it before she went to bed. The next day she always had these amazing bouncy luscious curls. Nowadays we all going back to the basis, omitting the flat iron and hot curlers for a longer lasting curl option with curlers. I have noticed that big curls are making a comeback, no more straight life-less hair it's all about big shine and bouncy beautiful curls, for long or short hair!
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Yep like this!!! |
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everything just pure lovely |
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Short sassy curls |
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Conair Instant Heat Curlers $23.99 |
Hey there Beautiful, Happy New Year!!!

So I'm dabbling a little more into make-up these days and came across blush that I received in a kit with some free stuff. I don't wear blush...ever never have so I did not even know the rules for applying it other than apply to the apples of your cheeks?! So that's what I did, even though my method was a little questionable I must say that it did brighten my cheeks and made them look a little rosy. Overall a little bit of blush made my face look more youthful and fresh. It really defined the area between my eyes and cheeks which I kinda liked. The blush I used was a mineral blush which is supposed to be better for your skin since most cosmetics are filled with toxins and horrible things. I came across this amazing article and recipe from the Wellness Mama on how to make your own natural blush using natural herbs, I have not tried it yet but what's not to love about that!
Natural Blush Make-up Recipe
Simple homemade makeup without the preservatives and toxins of conventional makeup.
Author: Wellness Mama
Recipe type: Beauty
- ½ tsp arrowroot (+ more if needed)
- ½ tsp cocoa powder (+more if needed)
- ½ tsp Hibiscus powder (+more if needed)
- As with any homemade make-up recipe, the amounts vary by person. You'll have to experiment with quantities of each ingredient to find the shade that works for you. I always start with a base of about ½ tsp of arrowroot and darken as needed, testing on my inner arm as I go.
- When you get your desired shade, store in a small jar or old makeup shaker and use as needed.
New Year...Shaved hair on the side?
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Fantasia Fearlessly U! |
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Trending Hairstyles |
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Bold, Short & Shaved!! |
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Love the London Look! |
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Tame Fizzy Hair
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Zero Frizz Keratin Corrector Serum $7.99 Walgreens |
I have put quite a dent in this bottle so I think it's fair to say that It works and I like it! :). I use this serum in-between washes/co washes to keep my hair smelling good and moisturized. The consistency is very thick it reminds me of hair oil in the form of a serum. It tames my hair when it's on the brink of becoming frizzy and unruly. This big bottle has lasted me for months, a little goes a long way so you don't need much of it... I consider the price to be pretty reasonable considering the size of the bottle, not to mention hair serums can be quite expensive. Healthy hair begins with conditioned well moisturized hair!
Gel Nails at home
Gel Nails are all of the rage right now because it last longer than regular polished nails, and it won't chip by the time you get home from the nail salon!!! I do not polish my fingernails toes on the other hand well that's another story...(It's mandatory!!!!) I love the way painted nails look on other women, It can really do wonders for your hands! Since I'm embracing the new me and trying new things :) I decided to give polished nails a try using the new at home Gel Nail polish by Sally Hansen. I had to purchase 2 bottles... polish and top coat. It was a relief to only have to do 2 steps (1st) step polish and (2nd) step top coat, that's lamp ! I love that it did not require any extra time or steps, it was very easy and so far no chipped nails! There are several nail polish brands to choose from that offer gel polishes for home use. I purchased the Sally Hansen brand at Walgreens for $7.99 each with $1 off coupon one for each bottle, so I ended up paying $6.99 per bottle. The cost was a little more than the price of a regular manicure (not sure how much for a gel manicure?) but over the long run I can paint my nails over and over again and end up savings lots of $!!
Now I see so Stylishly!!
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So Fun & Hip Retro Granny Eyeglass Necklace Esty $17 A.J Morgan Crushed $20
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Hip to be Me!! |
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Crystal Cat Eye Glasses Divalicious $60 |
Beating the Holiday Blues & Giving a helping hand
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Woman not arrested for stealing eggs |
Your Time,
Do random acts of Kindness!!! Also the power of touch is huge give a hug or a kiss on the cheek..... even giving a smile can make a person's day! Share a meal, feed the hungry, support a charity, give locally....DO Something!!!
Beat the Blues
1. Contact someone you've lost touch with. This is a perfect time to rekindle a lost relationship. You may find that God begins a new chapter in your life.
2. Don't focus on what you don't have - focus on what you do have. If you think about it, it won't take you long to envision someone in a worse situation than yours. God has neither abandoned nor forgotten you.
3. Let go of the past and find new or different ways to celebrate. While many family traditions are good, you may feel in bondage to doing things you don't enjoy because "that's the way we've always done it."
4. connect with people. The worst thing you can do is isolate yourself from the very people God may want to use to encourage and restore you. Make plans. Don't sit around and wait to be invited
Play music that brings cheer or reminds you of good fond memories...laugh out LOUD too.... A lot!!
3D Fiber Mascara

Ok I must admit that I'm a product
junkie like most.. This product has got me a tad excited to see what
it's really all about! It's called Younique 3D Fiber Mascara. I love mascara and I love the look of lashes (not
spider eyes) This concept in mascara seems to be something like I have never
seen before but it make pretty good sense. Have you heard of 3D
Fiber Mascara? Well here is what it's suppose to do:
Color: Black
- Comes in black only
- Increase natural eye lash look by 300%
- Lashes are buildable to your desired thickness and
- Removes easily with warm water and facial cleanser or
eye makeup remover
It's kinda pricy at $39.99 but I guess it's about the cost of getting your lashes done with the ability to remove it nightly. Please let me know if you have tried them and what you think?? My curiosity has got me going to purchase them for myself.. I'm now intrigued...I'll keep you posted!!
Cures for Puffy Eyes!
After a long night
of spreading Christmas cheer and a round of Christmas Parties, don't
let it leave you looking tired and in need of a good night's sleep!
De-puff those tired eyes with this natural home remedy. Take a cold refrigerated
potato and cut it into 2 slices soak the slices in cold water for a few
minutes, remove the slices from the water and place
them over your eyes for at least 5 minutes....Good to go and ready to spread more Christmas Cheer!!!!
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Keeping It Naturally Curly with ECO Styler

While on this natural journey I have never really liked any product in my hair other than a light spray oil. I especially NEVER liked hair gel because it always made my hair crunchy and hard...not to mention the yucky white residue! I have just been a wash and go kinda girl NO Product, leave in, curl definer, custard etc....because most of them don't deliver like they say (sorry) and you have such a build-up on your hair, not soft and fluffy. Unfortunately like everything else you just end up buying more and more stuff (products)...The game is real!!! For me clean well conditioned hair with a couple of sprays of the Suave professionals Macadamia nut/White Orchid spray oil (which I only use after wash/co-wash and diffusing or air drying) is all I need! What I have found is that over time (a couple of days) after wash and go my curls get fluffier and fluffier..and my hair gets bigger and bigger which I don't really mind but I end up like Annie with huge hair!! LOL.
I recently came across the ECO styler gel which I know in the natural hair world is the Holy Grail for curly girls, It's a must have product for most Naturalista's!! Although hesitant to try anything new, because if it aint broke... (Well you know the rest) But I gave it a try anyway and I must say it's not too bad! Now if you use too much of it your hair will get crunchy and hard despite what the container says, so use it sparingly a little goes along way. One thing working for ECO Styler is that it's alcohol free so it's not zapping moisture from your hair drying it out! I have not examined the ingredients thoroughly yet so I'm hoping it doesn't contain any other harsh moisture zapping ingredients too!! I purchased mine from Sally's for $5.69 this container will last me For-ever and you don't need to use it every day, and just a little when you do. I have also seen the ECO Styler gel online for much cheaper so shop around for a for a great deal!! I purchased both the ECO Styler with Olive Oil and Argan Oil and to be honest I don't see much difference between the two??? I'm not getting more moisture or lusciousness from 1 vs. the other but the containers are still new so I'll keep you posted if I do see a difference eventually!
Glitter, Glitter I love Shimmer!!
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Holiday Eyes |
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Glitter Nail Polish |
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Glitter Lips |
Pore Problems meet Pore Defenders!!
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L'OREAL Revitalift Miracle Blur $19.99 Target |
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I really like the Evercolor Poreless Face Defender by Mally $40 |
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Rapid Transport C Infused Clone Wrinkle Diffuser this one is a little sticky the verdict is still out on this one! $29.50 HSN |
Your Hair Smells Terrific!!!
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Fekkai Citrus & Mint Hair perfume Walgreens $19.99 |
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Pink Sugar Hair Perfume Nordstrom $15 |
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Mac Candy Yum Yum Lipstick $16 Nordstrom |
Holiday Beauty Gift Grabs!
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Tarte LipSurgence lip tint Ulta $24 |
Naked Eyeshadow Palette Urban Decay
Urban Decay $54 |
Update on Hair: I also read that Hormones can cause thinning hair and edges too so it's important to talk to your Dr about hormone levels and its effects on your scalp and hair!
No edges and thinning hair!! Our Hair-Story
Last night while out to dinner with the girls, our conversation shifted (of course) to health & beauty rituals. As Women our hair is serious beezness especially for women of color! We are such colorful, creative creatures when it comes to our crowning glory...we can do & wear it all (fabulously) in every style texture length or color, but sometimes it comes at a high cost!! Hair health is something that we are all concerned about. With more of us transitioning to naturalista's coming out of our wigs, braids, weaves and relaxers unfortunately many of us are left with the damaging effects..revealing receding hairlines, no edges and thinning hair It's so unfair and hurtful!!
All we ever wanted was versatility and manageability!!! (hence; Relaxers, wigs, too tight braids and weaves) I can remember being a little girl wearing my ponytails and braids. I also remember getting my hair done by my beloved mom, grandma or auntie's. Tender-head (check) pulling and tugging my brains out (check), me wiggling and ouch's (check check) lol!! Funny now but back then not so much..getting my hair done was like torture!! I know that it was all in effort to keep my nappy, curly, kinky hair manageable, tight and looking neat (I totally understand).
Boy have times changed and so they should...when you know better you do better! Mad props to Beyonce for getting it letting little Blue Ivy's natural hair go wild and free she is giving her daughter a shot at having a healthy mane and self image...not to mention the ability to embrace her natural roots!! Way to forget the Nay Sayers Bey!! New products are surfacing everyday to help restore our edges, hairlines and thinning hair, share what's worked for you or what is working for you now!!! I want to hear about your hairstory, please send photo's too!! No shaming here we are all here in love on this journey together learning and doing the best we can.. much love to all for sharing the journey. These photos are mild...I did not want to post the other photos because they made me cry it's so painful to see what we have all gone through..Including me, see my previous post pic's below!
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Blue Ivy all natural!! So cute!! |
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At dinner my one of my Girlfriends says she loves this system and it's working for her For Hair regrowth Simplicity hair oil system |
Goodbye Chapped Winter Lips
Now that the weather has officially changed a lot of us may be experiencing that our hair, hands and especially our lips are becoming more dry than ever! Proper diet and nutrition play a huge role here... keeping proper hydration (remember from the inside out) is key, but there are some pretty amazing products worth trying to soothe and heal dry lips on the outside. here are my top 5 picks!
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Best anti-aging lip therapy $30.36 Amazon |
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Reminds me of old school Vasaline but better! $6 Sephora |
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Eos Lip Balm this stuff works it has shea butter 100% cert organic good stuff! Holiday collection Holiday Wildberry or Watermelon Wonderland! $2.62 each |
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It works! Target $2.69 |
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My Personal Fav all time CLASSIC!! Carmex $1.29 sold everywhere!! |
Luscious Locks!
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Suave Professionals natural infused Macadania/White Orchid light oil spray Walgreens $6.79 |
Keep your Locks hydrated, moisturized and looking lovely all winter long!
After shampooing I spray this non greasy Macadamia/ White Orchid light spray oil on my hair by Suave Professionals. It penetrates deep down from the root to tip.. after drying you can touch your soft moisturized hair without any oil or greasy residue build-up and it has a nice scent too )my kids say it smells like candy...I sure don't mind smelling like candy...sweet!!
Nude Lips
I have had the Hardest time finding a great nude lipstick..this was not a easy task it took me like (4 years) to be exact! If they get rid of this color I'm going to SCREAM or Quit!!! The problem I've been running into is that the nudes are either too pale/pinkish or too ashy on me! To find my perfect Nude lip was not easy because this color has to work with my complexion and my naturally dark lip line. I have always loved a nude lip on other people and on me, back in the day I had a go to Nude lipstick that I rocked often but (MAC got rid of it!!) Since then I have found it extremely difficult to find one that best suits me, so I just go with my bare (lips) It's my best option and it suits me just fine! My only issue is that I think every girl should have a great nude in her lip arsenal!!! Natural but polished.. just saying. I have gone to department stores, drug stores, Mary Kay, Avon with assistance or without on this crazy nude lip journey! I can finally say that I found one that works for me and it's good... I found it at CVS! I gotta give it up to CVS they make it super easy shopping for lip colors period (you can tell it's been a while for me lol). They really break it have a category for the Reds, Pinks, Nudes, Browns etc.. It's very user friendly the only bad part about the drug store is they have no sanitized color trials and people sometimes test out the actual lip colors (for purchase) in the store (ugh)!! you have to cross your fingers that you don't purchase a used one that someone swiped on their lips or hand so...always check first!! My color is L'OREAL Nude 840 Nature's Blush it only took 4 years to find it.. SERIOUSLY!!! But Well worth the wait I'm in major "Like" with it!
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Nature's Blush by L'OREAL CVS $9.95 I found it on AMAZON TOO $5.99 |
Sexy EYES!!
oooh La La!!
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New spin on the classic cat-eye! |
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Make your pretty eyes Pop! |
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Sassy & Seductive |
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Simply pretty Violet Eyes add color! |
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Walmart $6.96 |
have recently started wearing make-up again, I'm finding that all of the
options out there for make-up are a little overwhelming. Back
in the day I use to wear my mother's (Fashion Fair) foundation even tho it was
the wrong color!! I don't like feeling
like I have on make-up when I wear it. I prefer to have healthy,
clear good looking skin above all, I'm just looking to have a more
polished look! I want to get out of my comfort zone a little and
try something new! I don't believe there is anything
really "Natural" about make-up, but you can wear natural
looking make-up...I don't want to put a bunch of garbage on my face ya
know!!! So far I'm digging True Match by L'OREAL (blendable
Make-up) and Bare Escentuals mineral veil. I like the fact that
the true match blends to my skin tone perfectly I use N8 Cappuccino it's like
I'm not even wearing it (love that!) and the Mineral Veil it takes the place of
your old translucent compact powder It's a nice finishing touch!
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Bare Minerals Mineral Veil $21.00 Ulta |
Short Sassy Hair! Doing the Big Chop!!
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Victoria Beckham Sexy A-Line BOB |
Have you ever considered doing the big CHOP? Most of us have had a major Chop at some point of our lives... we were either in search of a change, in need of a new look/fresh start, or of fed up with our dead damaged hair!! Many of us get the boldness to cut it all off when we reach some sort of milestone in our lives and it's a big deal to finally go through with it too!! This bold move states I'm Confident, Fed-up or CRAZY lol!!!. I have done a big chop 3 times in my life, the 1st time was when I was 19 I had a "cute A Line BOB with the back shaved off. Back then it was more about "independence" I was at the age where I could make that decision on my permission needed, it was great because it taught me not to be afraid I was testing my wings. The second big chop was major I declared my power and strength by moving to NYC my lifelong dream, after a year of being in the big city I was finally ready. I did the big chop a Boy Cut (Pixie) It was amazing so bold at the time...I colored it too, I thought I was the BOMB.COM.. I felt so free and alive it was so empowering.
This is when my Hair Broke off |
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Can you Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Naturally?!
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Hyperpigmentation |
I also read about laser treatments to correct the problem too (this can be very expensive because it's considered cosmetic) and the results vary. I stumbled across another treatment you can get from a day spa called IPL or (Photo Facial) it's performed by a licensed Esthetician. After reading how great IPL was and how it delivered wonderful results I got a groupon deal and opted to try a couple of treatments. I read that treating hyperpigmentation is not really recommended on darker skin because it can make it worse...but I was desperate!!! I associated this dreaded thing with age and all of the sun damage I had caused from running over the years. So against better judgment I tried it any way (Desperation is how they get us!!!) This was not a good decision on my part at all... but hey you live you learn. I made my appointment and I tried IPL after being assured by the Esthetician that she had many African American clients and it would work. Trusting and hopeful me :) gave it a try... and BOY WAS IT PAINFUL it was like electric zap's to my face..ouch it hurt!! My face was tender and in pain afterwards, but the pain went away after an hour or so. I noticed between visits my pigmentation was slightly darker...Not good so the esthetician recommended (more treatments) and that I do what's called a chemical peel (Jessner) after IPL (photo facial) for max results. Still desperate and hopeful I said ok.
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Limes Natural Acid |
Holiday Hair Party Looks
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Alicia Keys |
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Angela Simmons |
Holiday Make up Trends
I love the shimmery metallic in the corner of the eyes on Beyonce's Holiday Make up look! Her makeup looks natural with shimmery touches! Or go for bold like Jessica Alba's Natural makeup with a bold lip.
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Bold Holiday Looks! |
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Bold Eyes and Lips |
Naturally Clean and Soap Free!!?
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SHIKAI Shower Gel Honeysuckle |
Have a great week. Stay Beautiful!
Getting My confidence back!!!
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I am Beautiful! Crazy hat and All!! |
It's easy to get caught up, day to day struggles life... it gets REAL! Family, work, kids, relationships It can all be very overwhelming leaving you spent and out of sorts! I did not believe it was true but I have to say on my journey to truth I discovered that I was seriously lacking in the confidence department! Confidence in yourself sets the standard for who you are and what you believe in about yourself, it also sends a message of self-love to everyone around. Confidence comes deep down from within, knowing and loving thyself for who you really are because you are special! Spending quality time alone exploring life and understanding yourself is so important..your likes your dislikes being ok and comfortable in your own skin! Practice confidence daily, be fearless about it too!!!! When life get's uncomfortable and unfamiliar don't back down and go into your comfortable cozy corner, take this time to reinvent and rediscover the beauty from within. This is my daily mantra I tell it to myself every day, even if no one else does. Hey there beautiful... you are so beautiful!!
Happy Saturday!!
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My Fall View Mainstay Juicy Watermelon Candle Walmart $3.50 |
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Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day Lavender $8.98 Lucky |
Facial Yoga?
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Monterey Bay Holistic Alliance |
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Facial Flex $35.95 |
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D.I.Y Fresh Lavender & Orange Milk Bath |
Nothing beats a nice hot soak in the tub after a long hard day. This easy D.I.Y milk bath brings the Spa home to you in your own bathroom. This milk bath was so easy to make and knowing what all of the ingredients are gives me great comfort. While working in Washington over the summer my BFF visited the world famous Lavender fields. I was so excited when she brought me back a bundle of fresh Lavender. I decided to put some of that wonderful fragrant lavender to great use today by creating a milk bath. I had some essential oil (fresh orange) in my medicine cabinet and decided why not mix the lavender and orange together. The combination was simply wonderful my entire house smelled incredible after I got out of the tub. The holiday's are right around the corner this easy DIY Milk Bath would make a wonderful crafty gift for a teacher, family & friends or a neighbor. Get creative stay inspired!
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Fresh Dried Lavender |
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1Cup Dried Milk 1/4 cup Baking Soda 1/3 cup fresh Lavender 10-12 drops of Orange Essential Oil |
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Combined Mixture in a bowl |
Healthy Omega's
Norwegian Gold Daily Omega $17.99
There is so much talk about getting a healthy dose of Omega fatty acids into our daily diets. The constant flow of information on what to do and what to take is overwhelming and exhausting!! So I just take in a little info at a time, I absorb the things I know for sure and pray about the rest! I do remember the importance of taking fish oil and (gross) castor oil from being a kid. I know that taking a fish oil supplement is hard for a lot of people especially if your vegan or vegetarian, your allergic to fish or simply do not like fish!! In the past some people would bypass taking a fish oil supplement completely because of the after taste and unpleasant fish burps!! Yuck..who wants to deal with that!! When I was in my 20's & 30's I did not see the value in taking supplements or multi-vitamins but with age comes wisdom because I now see the importance of them. I take the Norwegian Daily Omega supplement without fail...Now the multi-vitamins or B12 vitamins that's more sporadic .. I'm not quite as faithful. Since I don't eat fish often enough I feel like taking a daily omega gives my body the extra that I may not be getting from my diet. I have been taking Norwegian Gold Daily Omega complete with Omegas faithfully 1 supplement per day. No yucky after taste nor is it repeating on you later on! The one big difference I notice is in my skin and hair, it's a lot softer less dry and dehydrated. Beauty from the Inside-Out!
So Sexy....
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Mademoiselle Coco Chanel $90.00 Sephora |
Nothing makes me feel more alive than looking my best and smelling like a woman. I'm not really a perfume girl I mostly gravitate to essential oils, butters, splashes and scented lotions. There is nothing sexier than a great bottle of perfume just a little dab in all the right places gives me so much feminine swag. My favorite at the moment is Mademoiselle by Coco Chanel
Beauty at every age
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Thank you Kendra for sharing.. your skin is Flawless!! 44 years YOUNG go girl!!! |
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Voss water Kendra added Green apples mint and red grapes |
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Voss water with Fresh Lemons and Rosemary |
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Mally Evercolor Shadow Stick Please Follow link Mally gives great Tutorials to achieve the look! |
Soft like Butta...
Green Land fruit extracts Apple body butter TJ Maxx 4.99 |
Soft Smooth Skin........
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Dr Teals Body & Bath oil 4.87 Walmart |
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Well-Rested Eye & face Brightner $22.00 Bare Minerals |
I don't know about you but some mornings I could use A little extra help around my eye area. I have discovered a product that really makes a difference in waking up my sometimes tired eyes, it's called Well-Rested by Bare Minerals. Well-Rested is a face and eye brightener that instantly brightens and revives a lack-luster complexion. It contains light- reflecting minerals to even skin tone while improving skin radiance and visibly minimizing dark spots and discolorations over time. A little goes a long way, I use it directly under my eyes to brighten and give me a fresh look all day! I don't wear a lot of make-up but I do love a great mascara! Like most of you I have tried MANY!! I have fallen in "heavy like" with a great mascara called Lash Domination by Bare Minerals. To me what makes a mascara amazing is the brush. I love this brush because it lengthens and separates without the dreaded spider eye & clumping, a couple of layers is all you need for lovely luscious lashes!
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Lash Domination Bare Minerals $18.00 |
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Ready for the Day! :) |
Love Those Lashes!!
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Smoke and Mirrors NYC Lash |
One of my favorite current trends in beauty right now is lashes! Back in the old days lashes were only used for special occasions or events. Now everyone including guys are getting in on the lash revolution and wearing lashes daily. Make a statement and bat those beautiful baby Browns, Blues, Blacks, Greens & Hazel eyes! Here are a couple of big new companies devoted to helping us create our lovely luscious lashes. Smoke and Mirrors- created by celebrity make-up artist Stephen Moleski best known for edge and glamour has developed a custom selection of 100% human hair lashes w/a clear flexible band that anyone of us can easily apply ourselves.. I love the NYC lashes and the Atlanta lash $13.50
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House of Lashes Bohemian Princess |
10/31/14 Happy Halloween!!
Put your Best Self Forward!!
you in Survivor mode? Just doing the basic's to get yourself out the door
and scurry on to the task of the day? I have noticed in the past that
this was my MO I would just throw on whatever was clean, put on a cap and
head off into my day. I still love a cute cap and clean clothes of course (lol) but somehow I knew deep down that something was missing and trust me I knew the difference. Not quite sure when or why this happened? But now knowing everything in life is a process to growth we should self examine and continue to grow. God started to
wake me up and whisper so sweetly in my spirit "I want you to feel good
because I love you....let your light shine and feel good from the inside
out". I believe that's really what we all want is to feel good...I know I do.
I decided several months ago (best decision) that I feel so much better when I present my best self on purpose! I choose to feel
good because feeling good is a choice! So If I'm going to the
market for food shopping or picking the kids up from school, I want to
look like I care because I do. If I'm not
feeling so great or having a rough day I still pull myself together because It makes a
huge difference in me. On the inside of me I'm (mostly always) alive,
bright and feeling good. I decided to let what's on the inside manifest to
the outside so Permission granted It's Ok To do You!! . It really is
kinda fun and has done tremendous things for my self confidence and the way I feel
about me!
Get glowing skin by eating healthy fats! Take the mystery out of how to achieve healthy beautiful skin, according to Women's Wellness it can all be found in your shopping cart! Just like our parents use to say "You are what you eat from your head down to your feet!" Believe it! Research has show eating a diet rich in healthy fats can make a tremendous difference on your skin. Since we all want healthy, younger looking skin it makes total since that what you put on the inside will start to show on the outside. I was not one of the lucky ones born with flawless, glowing beautiful skin, I have constantly had to work for it. Instead of going product crazy, I now choose to fill my basket with healthy fats and it serves me double duty. Consuming healthy fats gives me the best skin that I can possibly get and it gives me great fuel to keep my body healthy and strong....Win Win!!
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A variety of nuts |
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Nutiva Red Palm & Coconut Oil Whole Foods |
Hey Sleeping Beauty

I recently came across an article suggesting the importance of getting enough sleep. The article strongly recommends we should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The article also states we should try to sneak in occasional naps daily during the week and to set aside nap time on the weekends. I too plead guilty for cheating myself out of the sleep that I desperately need. I Like most of us have often settled for whatever sleep I can get vs. what I really need. For the short term this is ok ...but definitely not ok over the long run. Not only are we cheating ourselves out of the rest our body needs we are also endangering our mental stability, aging ourselves and our bodies. Now as some of you laugh out loud and say we know this already and "yeah right nice ideal" please.... hear me out!! As a busy mother I know how difficult it can be at every stage of the game when it comes to getting rest. Having a newborn your (sleep deprived and delirious), toddlers require (constant attention, and a stand down!!! yikes!! terrible 2's), keeping up with sports schedules, taxi mom and carpools... this alone makes me tired just talking about it!! One thing I wish I had done in the early years was to take naps from the beginning when my kids were little. It should of been a priority instead of always playing catch up for the things that needed to be done. Now if you have sleep issues, insomnia, please address them just like you would any other illness, help is available! I have recently learned through lifting weights that in order for the body to get stronger and build muscle the body needs rest. Our bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.. stress, fatigue, simple day to day damage & wear from all we put it through. We need time to rest so our bodies can restore, heal and repair itself. I have personally noticed the difference in myself when I don't get enough rest I look...tired, have poor performance, not being fully present for my family and for me, this is something I can no longer negotiate on... sleep is not a luxury it's a necessity. This blogs is about taking care and taking control of my needs, life is too short to deny and delay for later, rest is a good thing we need it and our body deserves it!
Tis the Season for Dry Skin
Looking Good Sugar!!
Since fall is officially here it's now time to get a jump start on beating seasonal dry skin, before it begins. For soft smooth skin exfoliating and moisturizing is very important, also stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Our skin needs conditioning, If you have dry skin you must have a consistent regime of slothing off the dead skin (exfoliating) and replenishing it with oils, butters or creams. I love sugar scrubs because they are gentle non- abrasive exfoliants that do not sting or burn. Sugar scrubs are gentle enough to use daily without stripping or breaking the skin down too much and sugar does not draw moisture away from the skin like salt does.
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The Body Shop Pink Grapefruit Scrub |
So bold so Beautiful!!
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Mac 2014 Punk Culture |
The truth about sulfates in Shampoo?
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Argan Oil Moroccan Shampoo Target $5.79 |
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Loreal Ever Pure |
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Organix Coconut milk Shampoo |
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Aveeno Active Naturals Pure Shampoo |
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Hobe Naturals Cold Pressed Avocado oil Vitamin Shop Hobe Naturals |
My favorite moisturizer of all time is Avocado
the past year Cold Pressed Avocado Oil has been my miracle
moisturizer! It has restored and re-hydrated my oily-dry sun
damaged skin. Avocado oil has been more than amazing! Daily I see it restoring
the plumpness & firmness to my skin, it has even added a
nice new glow to it too! The benefits of this oil are simply incredible, you get the same benefits but it's less messy than an actual avocado maskAvocado Mask |
Rolling along into my 30s I had let go just enough.. to get lost. I gave... and I gave.. to everyone and everything who wanted something from me. I had given away so much that I had absolutely nothing left to give to myself, and I accepted it. By my late 30s it was starting to show!! But I of course ignored it, life stress, trouble in paradise and aging parents was my new normal. When my father got sick I assumed my position to do whatever was needed. I just pressed on and kept going, I ran daily just to "escape" so then came the sun damage. I treated being a wife, mother, daughter, sister friend like a job and like any other job I strived to do my the best and give my all... and so I did. The crazy thing about it was while I was doing it "all" and giving it my "all" no one ever told me that I did not have too, everyone including me was perfectly comfortable with taking whatever I was giving. Please don't get me wrong I'm not blaming anyone because at the end of the day I was the one who set the rules for this insanity. Through it all I have learned a valuable lesson "the givers give" and the "takers take" it's just the way it is. This is a valuable lesson we must all learn! Funny thing is I'm not alone.... my story is the same story for so many women!
Looking back I have no regrets because it was part of my journey and a valuable lesson. I cling onto and cherish the quote "When you know better you do better" simply put but well said. At the age of 38 I woke up looked in the mirror and vividly remember seeing my MOTHER!!!! How and when did that happen? Now my mother is a good looking woman don't get me wrong she is beautiful... but my mom is in her 60s so I was not quite ready for that comparison just yet!! To make matters worse over the years I went from being my mom's lovely daughter to comments like "oh I thought you guys were sistes... or even worse being mistaken for my mom!!!!! What do you mean? I had just turned 40 at the time and not quite ready for comments like that! Too too soon!! It had seemed as though life crept up on me overnight and hit me like a Mack truck lol! No more not paying attention, It was time to recapture what was rightfully mine!
I thank God for giving me back my eyes to see! Refocusing me.. showing me who I really am and that I matter! Through God's love he has shown me that I deserve time, love & appreciation. I also need forgiveness, forgiveness from myself and from others. God knows as well as many others do, that I don't always get it right...I fall short daily. At 44 I feel the best I have felt in a very long time. Life these days is not perfect nor do I need it to be. Through prayer, Gods love and guidance I am re-discovering the best parts about me. Every day I am giving myself the love, joy and time that I deserve. Washing my face every night and every morning without fail no exceptions..(time) I moisturize and treat my skin with love and gentle care every day (love). I no longer abuse it with harsh product and things that simply don't deliver and aggravate my skin(God's guidance). The committment to my skin is now starting to show and I love it (joy)! You know life at its best is still stressful and new struggles arise daily but I thank God for the peace he has given me to get through it all. The confidence I feel by taking time for me is such a great thing, I decided... I'm worth it! I feel so free, I feel so beautiful, I feel so alive! Thank you Jesus!!
You look absolutely radiant and beautiful!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww!! Thank you Cici!! It's the Avocado oil! It has really transformed and restored my sun damage..oily but still dry.. stressed out skin! This stuff is truly Magical!! lol God Bless you!! and thank you for your love and support!
ReplyDeletePhenomenal Woman
ReplyDeletePretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
By Maya Angelou
Phenomenal! :)!
ReplyDeleteI am told I have nice skin! Different people say it all the time and sometimes I can tell they want to ask my age, but common courtesy holds them back. However, a couple of weeks ago, at a dinner party, this lady whom I’ve met several times just couldn’t resist – she pulled me aside and apologetically said, “I can’t believe your kids are as old as you just said, please don’t be offended but may I know your age?” I started laughing and I told her my age. It didn’t stop there, she peered into my face, like you would, if you were looking through a pince-nez or a microscope, she called two other ladies over and said “ can you believe it, she doesn’t even have ONE wrinkle, not ONE, how is it?” My regimen is simple; I WILL NOT go to bed with make up on, EVER. I wash my face with my hand and whatever I use in the shower, usually dove. Then I use whatever moisturizer I put on my body, (Nivea, cocoa butter, Vaseline intensive, I stock up when there’s a good discount in the Costco coupon book) except now I am using the avocado oil (Thank you Ginell), just 2 drops, 2 more for my neck. That’s it, oh I have to thank my mother for my skin and also for my jelly belly – I guess I can’t have it all. BTW I scrub my face once a week or so with my bath sponge. Oh, and I do wear sunscreen in the summer when I go out, I think that’s it. Really…. (no pictures, big afro is in the way, otherwise known as bad hair day :-))
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for sharing your tips, It sounds so simple and uncomplicated like Kendra's routine. I believe that's the key and a good lesson for us all!! One thing we all agree on is that make-up removal is a must before bedtime no exceptions! I too use Nivea or Vaseline Intensive w/coco butter on my kids it's so mild and gentle plus it moisturizes well. I'm just saying Cici I would of loved to see that fro I bet it's simply amazing!!!! Love & Blessings
ReplyDeleteI am sooo trying that milk bath. The reason I love lavender so much, is that it has multiple uses. I think I am going to try a lavender martini! yeah baby!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Ken for your comment! your gonna love the milk bath it's so easy but good! I think I went crazy on the lavender tho !!(lol) try grinding it up first it's less messy after your bath & it's easier to drain. Say Whaaat on the Lavender Martini!! That sounds Amazing!!!
DeleteWhere's the party? Am in :-)
ReplyDeleteI know me too!! Come on Kendra you got us hyped!!! :)
DeleteI love rainy Saturday mornings even more. Shakespeare’s Macbeth puts it best "Sleep that soothes away all our worries. Sleep that puts each day to rest. Sleep that relieves the weary laborer and heals hurt minds. Sleep, the main course in life’s feast, and the most nourishing." My favorite line is "Sleep, nature's balm to hurt minds". We need to sleep!
ReplyDeleteGosh that is the best line EVER!!!! I love it!! my soul