Hey Sleeping Beauty
I recently came across an article suggesting the importance of getting enough sleep. The article strongly recommends we should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep per night. The article also states we should try to sneak in occasional naps daily during the week and to set aside nap time on the weekends. I too plead guilty for cheating myself out of the sleep that I desperately need. I Like most of us have often settled for whatever sleep I can get vs. what I really need. For the short term this is ok ...but definitely not ok over the long run.
Not only are we cheating ourselves out of the rest our body needs we are also endangering our mental stability, aging ourselves and our bodies. Now as some of you laugh out loud and say we know this already and "yeah right nice ideal" please.... hear me out!! As a busy mother I know how difficult it can be at every stage of the game when it comes to getting rest. Having a newborn your (sleep deprived and delirious), toddlers require (constant attention, and a stand down!!! yikes!! terrible 2's), keeping up with sports schedules, taxi mom and carpools... this alone makes me tired just talking about it!! One thing I wish I had done in the early years was to take naps from the beginning when my kids were little.
It should of been a priority instead of always playing catch up for the things that needed to be done. Now if you have sleep issues, insomnia, please address them just like you would any other illness, help is available! I have recently learned through lifting weights that in order for the body to get stronger and build muscle the body needs rest. Our bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.. stress, fatigue, simple day to day damage& wear from all we put it through. We need time to rest so our bodies can restore, heal and repair itself. I have personally noticed the difference in myself when I don't get enough rest I look...tired, have poor performance, not being fully present for my family and for me, this is something I can no longer negotiate on... sleep is not a luxury it's a necessity. This blogs is about taking care and taking control of my needs, life is too short to deny and delay for later, rest is a good thing we need it and our body deserves it!
Hey Sleeping Beauty

Not only are we cheating ourselves out of the rest our body needs we are also endangering our mental stability, aging ourselves and our bodies. Now as some of you laugh out loud and say we know this already and "yeah right nice ideal" please.... hear me out!! As a busy mother I know how difficult it can be at every stage of the game when it comes to getting rest. Having a newborn your (sleep deprived and delirious), toddlers require (constant attention, and a stand down!!! yikes!! terrible 2's), keeping up with sports schedules, taxi mom and carpools... this alone makes me tired just talking about it!! One thing I wish I had done in the early years was to take naps from the beginning when my kids were little.
It should of been a priority instead of always playing catch up for the things that needed to be done. Now if you have sleep issues, insomnia, please address them just like you would any other illness, help is available! I have recently learned through lifting weights that in order for the body to get stronger and build muscle the body needs rest. Our bodies go through a lot on a daily basis.. stress, fatigue, simple day to day damage& wear from all we put it through. We need time to rest so our bodies can restore, heal and repair itself. I have personally noticed the difference in myself when I don't get enough rest I look...tired, have poor performance, not being fully present for my family and for me, this is something I can no longer negotiate on... sleep is not a luxury it's a necessity. This blogs is about taking care and taking control of my needs, life is too short to deny and delay for later, rest is a good thing we need it and our body deserves it!
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