
Why Confidence Matters!

 Have a great week. Stay Beautiful!
Why having Confidence Matters!!! 

 I am Beautiful! Crazy hat and All!!

It's easy to get caught up, day to day struggles life... it gets REAL!  Family, work, kids, relationships It can all be very overwhelming leaving you spent and out of sorts!  I did not believe it was true but I have to say on my journey to truth I discovered that I was seriously lacking in the confidence department!   Confidence in yourself sets the standard for who you are and what you believe in about yourself, it also sends a message of self-love to everyone around.  Confidence comes deep down from within, knowing and loving thyself for who you really are because you are special!  Spending quality time alone exploring life and understanding yourself is so important..your likes your dislikes being ok and comfortable in your own skin!  Practice confidence daily,  be fearless about it too!!!!  When life get's uncomfortable and unfamiliar don't back down and go into your comfortable cozy corner, take this time to reinvent and rediscover the beauty from within.  This is my daily mantra I tell it to myself every day, even if no one else does.  Hey there beautiful... you are so beautiful!!

10/31/14 Happy Halloween!!
When you have time take it and
Put your Best Self Forward!!
Are you in Survivor mode?  Just doing the basic's to get yourself out the door and scurry on to the task of the day?  I have noticed in the past that this was my MO I would just throw on whatever was clean, put on a cap and head off into my day.  I still love a cute cap and clean clothes of course (lol)  but somehow I knew deep down that something was missing and trust me I knew the difference.  Not quite sure when or why this happened? But now knowing everything in life is a process to growth we should self examine and continue to grow.  God started to wake me up and whisper so sweetly in my spirit "I want you to feel good because I love you....let your light shine and feel good from the inside out".  I believe that's really what we all want is to feel good...I know I do.  I decided several months ago (best decision) that I feel so much better when I present my best self on purpose!   I choose to feel good because feeling good is a choice!  So If I'm going to the market for food shopping or picking the kids up from school, I want to look like I care because I do.   If I'm not  feeling so great or having a rough day I still pull myself together because It makes a huge difference in me.  On the inside of me I'm (mostly always) alive, bright and feeling good.   I decided  to let what's on the inside manifest to the outside so Permission granted It's Ok To do You!! .  It really is kinda fun and has done tremendous things for my self confidence and the way I feel about me!



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