Dealing with Hyperpigmentation
Can you Get Rid of Hyperpigmentation Naturally?!
The older I get the more physical changes I see with my skin. I noticed I was starting to get dark-patchy spots on my face. The dark patches were a few shades darker than my normal complexion, the areas that the darker spots appeared where on the top of my cheekbones like the picture on the left. When it first started happening I went into panic mode, honestly I've seen the darker pigmentation before but usually on older people (even tho it effects all ages). I always noticed it on people of color mostly too. I just assumed it had something to do with aging, sun damage or because of the melanin in olive to dark skin. After doing some research I found there was a name for this discoloration of the skin and it was called Hyperpigmentation/Melasma. I have read that both of these conditions can be caused by sun damage, aging, acne or hereditary. There are several treatment options available to correct this condition but please proceed with caution. Most people resort to the use of over-the-counter bleaching creams to treat the problem or you can get a stronger prescribed cream called Hydroquinone (which is banned in the UK) from a dermatologist.

I also read about laser treatments to correct the problem too (this can be very expensive because it's considered cosmetic) and the results vary. I stumbled across another treatment you can get from a day spa called IPL or (Photo Facial) it's performed by a licensed Esthetician. After reading how great IPL was and how it delivered wonderful results I got a groupon deal and opted to try a couple of treatments. I read that treating hyperpigmentation is not really recommended on darker skin because it can make it worse...but I was desperate!!! I associated this dreaded thing with age and all of the sun damage I had caused from running over the years. So against better judgment I tried it any way (Desperation is how they get us!!!) This was not a good decision on my part at all... but hey you live you learn. I made my appointment and I tried IPL after being assured by the Esthetician that she had many African American clients and it would work. Trusting and hopeful me :) gave it a try... and BOY WAS IT PAINFUL it was like electric zap's to my face..ouch it hurt!! My face was tender and in pain afterwards, but the pain went away after an hour or so. I noticed between visits my pigmentation was slightly darker...Not good so the esthetician recommended (more treatments) and that I do what's called a chemical peel (Jessner) after IPL (photo facial) for max results. Still desperate and hopeful I said ok.
Limes Natural Acid |
The peel burned my face when she applied it even though she said it was all freaked me out!!! I went home with it on my face but washed it off immediately against her recommendation of leaving it on for 24 hours. I was so nervous it was my first and last chemical peel!!! I have to admit after days of peeling my skin looked refreshed and glowing. Going through the peel process was a mess!! Huge sheets of skin were peeling off my face like crazy, it was so embarrassing I looked like a alligator lol!!! I wish I could of stayed sequestered in my home while shedding like a snake but of course that was impossible! Initially I thought hey this is great my skin looked soft and smooth but the results were temporary. Being concerned about using chemicals on my face over & over again to keep this look up was something I did NOT want to do. After giving it some serious thought I decided this was not the road I wanted to take.... and after all of that the hyperpigmentation came back! So back to research mode I went but this time God led me to a natural alternative that has worked wonders. My hyperpigmentation problem is completely gone for good!! What worked?? I started using limes!!! Somehow the natural acid in limes have worked like nature's natural peel I only do it every so often like once or twice a month. As a result (thankfully) my hyperpigmentation is gone :) and my skin looks much brighter too!!
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